What Is a Managed Helpdesk and Why Do You Need One?

What Is a Managed Helpdesk and Why Do You Need One?

There’s no doubt that technology and all its many applications are integral and helpful to your organization—but there comes a point when technology turns into a hindrance that slows down your operations. Providing employees with access to a helpdesk service can aid them by answering their general IT questions. But what happens when running a Read More »

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What to Look for in Managed IT Services in Long Island

What to Look for in Managed IT Services in Long Island

Managing business technology has become increasingly complex over the last few decades. Modern businesses are heavily reliant on IT solutions to keep things operating smoothly—everything from managing employee schedules and HR, to supply chain management, to the point of sale (POS) terminals in brick-and-mortar stores all rely on software and consistent internet access to operate Read More »

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What’s the Difference Between an IT Help Desk and a Service Desk?

What’s the Difference Between an IT Help Desk and a Service Desk?

It sounds oversimplified, but a help desk offers help on demand, and a service desk provides services as needed. While both offer essential support, an IT Help Desk provides fast solutions to IT issues while a service desk’s function is to deliver a specific service to end users as a form of customer service. Generally, Read More »

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A Managed Firewall: What is It and Does Your Business Need It?

A Managed Firewall: What is It and Does Your Business Need It?

Essentially, a firewall is designed to keep intruders out. Firewalls filter network data at the entry level. They check the sender’s address, its intended application, and, of course, its content. Incoming data that meets the firewall’s security criteria gains entry or may exit; data that does not is stopped at the firewall checkpoint. In short, Read More »

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Managed IT Services Consultant vs. IT Consultant: What’s the Difference?

Managed IT Services Consultant vs. IT Consultant: What’s the Difference?

Most businesses today succeed at the speed, scope, and efficiency of their technology. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly necessary to consider the services of either an IT Consultant company and/or a Managed IT Services Consultant firm. In this posting, we’ll cover the sometimes subtle differences between the two to enable enterprise owners to determine which Read More »

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What to Look for in IT Consulting Services in New York

What to Look for in IT Consulting Services in New York

As companies grow, their dependence on technology does as well. Savvy business owners quickly realize that the advice they received from the major technology manufacturers at the point of sale will not take their enterprise into their foreseeable future. This is the time to graduate into a partnership with professional IT consulting services. In New Read More »

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Can IT Consulting Services in NYC Improve My Company’s Bottom Line?

Can IT Consulting Services in NYC Improve My Company’s Bottom Line?

There’s a reason New York is called the ‘city that never sleeps’. Manhattan’s business pace is non-stop, meaning that competition is fierce, ever-growing, and continuous. For business owners, this means one thing: your sole focus needs to be maintaining and growing your core strengths. To ensure your technology is maintained, chances are you have hired Read More »

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How Can IT Consulting Services Make My Business Grow?

How Can IT Consulting Services Make My Business Grow?

It’s a well-worn axiom- to make money, you have to spend money. That’s somewhat true, however, it underscores the importance of receiving value for the dollars you spend. It is also a fact that to remain competitive, every business must run at peak productivity every day. This means their technology needs to be fully operational, Read More »

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